Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)


This feature can be used as follows:

        // required parameters:
        brand: "agnoplay",
        videoId: "Mbdskc9KsAii",
        url: window.location.href,
        // add the following:
        chapters: true,
        chaptersUrl: "//",
        chaptersCuesBgColor: '#0051FF'

Using chapters with ad markers

Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)


This feature can be used as follows:

        // required parameters:
        brand: "agnoplay",
        videoId: "Mbdskc9KsAii",
        url: window.location.href,
        // add the following:
        chapters: true,
        chaptersUrl: "//",
        chaptersCuesBgColor: '#0051FF',
        ads: [{
          sources: "",
          timeOffset: "00:00:15"


This is an example of the chapters feature. This feature can be enabled or disabled to show chapters on progress bar. Providing file containing chapter information is required, file should be valid VTT format. Configuring of the chapter cue points color is also possible.