Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)


This feature can be used as follows:

// required parameters:
brand: "agnoplay",
videoId: "Mbdskc9KsAii",
url: window.location.href,
// add the following:
clickable_link: true,
link_url: ""

Clickable link

This feature allows the website to set a clickable link in the player that opens a new browser tab, while pausing the playback of the current video. This can be used for instance with branded content videos.

How to use

Per player config
You can set a clickable link in the player configuration globally, this means that in all video playbacks the video player will be clickable to the preset URL.

Per video
You can set a clickable link per video This means that the current (if exisiting) clickable link will be overwritten.

Per website
You can set a clickable link in the player configuration of the website, this means that the passed clickable link will be set and the current (if exisiting) clickable link will be overwritten.