Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)


First, a Ka-Ching setup needs to be discussed with

Second, please review the Ka-Ching docs at:

Third, please read everything on this page very carefully.


Example for

The code below is a simple example for a ka-ching implementation for

Load Ka-Ching Script

The following Ka-Ching library needs to be loaded:
Note: ka-ching libraries are brand specific

Make sure this script is loaded before the video player script.

Pass Ka-Ching Instance

If you already have an existing Ka-Ching Instance with a configuration, you can pass this instance, instead of creating a new instance.

Now, you need to pass the ka-ching instance to the player like so:

<div id="agnoplayer"></div>

// add ka-ching script (note: example is telegraaf)
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
// if there's already a ka-ching instance
// implementation, pass that instance
// otherwise, do ka-ching implementation like this:
var kachingInstance = new KaChing();
kachingInstance.defineSlot(..see Ka-Ching docs..);
kachingInstance.init({..see Ka-Ching docs..});
var element = document.getElementById("agnoplayer"),
config = {
  // required parameters:
  brand: "agnoplay",
  videoId: "Mbdskc9KsAii",
  url: window.location.href,
  // enable ka-ching like this:
  kaching: kachingInstance,
  kaching_dfp: true,
  dfp_cmsid: "1234567" // dfp cms id
var player = window.AGNO.insertPlayer(config, element);

Mid-roll announcement (optional)

Third, you can finetune the integration like:

        // required parameters:
        brand: "agnoplay",
        videoId: "Mbdskc9KsAii",
        url: window.location.href,
        // add the following:
        kaching_dfp: true,
        midroll: true, // will show an announcement
        midroll_breakpoint: 90, // at 90 seconds
        midroll_threshold: 180, // only for videos longer than 3 minutes
        dfp_cmsid: "1234567"

Audio Ads

Current version: (AGNO-JavaScript API)

DFP Ka-Ching is also working with audio ads. If you are using audio player with kaching instance configured properly, audio ads will be loaded automatically

// required parameters:
      brand: "agnoplay-podcast",
      videoId: "_QhowLDIDrak",
      url: window.location.href,
      audio_player: true,
      // add the following:
      kaching_dfp: true,
      dfp_cmsid: "1234567"

DFP Ka-Ching

This feature can be enabled or disabled in the player configuration. Once enabled, the DFP CMS ID is set in the player configuraiton. Now, the video player is able to communicate with the DFP Ka-Ching service and therefore playbacks the video ad responses.

When this feature is used, the vast tag will be extended with a cms_id value (set in config) and a vid value (the video id) before it will be executed.


Please make sure scripts are loaded before executing methods.